Orange Peel or Pumpkin Seed

Friday, October 12, 2012
(Day 12 of a 31 Day Series)
This is one of my favorite designs for using my walking foot. Yes you will have to mark your quilting lines but the results are worth it!
orange peel - walking foot quilting
Just like the continuous curve design I showed you earlier in the week, it looks complicated. However when we think outside of the box and quilt this in rows it’s not that difficult.Lets break it down:
orange peel 2 - - walking foot quilting
We basically have 4 different curves that are all similar. I have color coded each of the lines so that you can find them easier. Fig. E shows you how they all work together. Just stare at the picture for a while and it will all start to make sense.
Lines A & B are opposites as are C & D. Notice that A & C are basically the same they just have a different starting point. The same goes for B & D. I don’t want to get too wordy with a description and confuse you more.
1) Look at “Fig. E” Let’s say I was doing this on a quilt. I would start at the top left corner of my quilt with the first block. I would stitch out a line “A” (the black line.) It starts on my first bock in the lower left hand side and snakes it’s way across two rows of blocks.
2) Next I would stich a line “D” (the purple line.) This would start at the very same point as line “A.” It starts on my first bock in the lower left hand side and snakes it’s off the quilt and comes back down 3 blocks to the right and then goes of the quilt once more.
3) Next I would stitch a partial line “C” ( the dark blue line.). This one comes in on the second block of the quilt at the top left corner of the block, then it makes it’s way of the quilt on the 3rd block. It comes back down and out on the 6th and 7th block of the first row.
4) Next we’ll stitch a line “B” (the orange line.) to completely finish off the first row. This line of stitching will start on the first block of the 2nd row on the tope left corner of the block. It will then snake it’s way across the first and second rows of blocks.
5) From here on out you are just repeating the lines until you finish the quilt.

Trust me, it’s not hard! Just stare at the picture and you will get it :) Are you still with me or did I just scare you off?
~ Norma

Not to throw you a curve ball, but once you get the hang of it you can always travel up the side of your quilt (on the extra batting and backing) once you finish a row and come back in the other direction with a different stitching line.
Oh one more thing. I use this method for stitching down my cathedral windows blocks too!


Sheila said...

This is another great idea. I will use this one, too. Thank you for going to the effort to explain it so well.

Lindsay@fortheloveofcotton said...

I never realized that you could quilt like this using a walking foot. I mean, it makes total sense, I guess you just have to be smart to realize this. Thank goodness we have you. You have been doing some great tutorials. Thank you so much. I can feel my confidence growing already!

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

This is so cool! Thanks!

Every Stitch said...

Fabulous tutorial - thanks so much! The great advantage of the walking foot, in my work is for keeping even stitches. My free motion work tends to have a lot of variation in stitch size. So - a great reminder of how much the walker can be used!
Every Stitch

swooze said...


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