Broken Glass

Monday, October 15, 2012
(Day 15 of a 31 Day Series)

Are you ready for another week of quilting ideas? We’re about half way through our 31 days series. I hope you have found at least one new design to try out. This week we’re going to focus on designs with sharp angles. This means there is going to be a bit of pivoting with our needle down to achieve these designs. Just be gentle when moving your quilt sandwich around to avoid any unnecessary pressure on your needle.
broken glass walking foot quilting
Think of this design as a geometric meander. There is no need to mark your quilt just go for it! There are no rules so if you get stuck in a corner feel free to cross a previous line or throw in a square or odd polygon to get out. I would quilt this from one side to the other but not in a straight row. Have fun with your first pass (black.) Then come back and start filling in spaces on your next pass (pink.) Continue until you fill the area you wish to quilt.
~ Norma
PS to get a feel for any of the designs I suggest you grab a piece of paper and a pen, not a pencil. Practice drawing the design (fill up the paper) until you are comfortable with the flow of the design. I say use a pen because you can’t erase “thread” once you start quilting on your machine. You can unpick, but who wants to do that?! I keep my kids old school papers for doodling quilt designs on the back before throwing them out.


gale said...

This one looks like fun!

Gene Black said...

I am not overly fond of this one but i have seen several that I will most likely be trying out later. It would be great if you had them "all together" somewhere for easy access.

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