Snowed In

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
We've been "snowed in" since Sunday afternoon. 3 inches in Alabama was enough to bring our little city to a grinding halt. School has been shut down since Monday and tomorrow will be the third day of no school for the kids. Mr. PD was lucky enough to get today and yesterday off too! It's been nice to have a babysitter around 24/7. Sometimes it's nice to live in a town that doesn't have a snow plow.

1-10 Improv Sledding

 The roads make for fun sledding when they're completely covered in ice. Who needs a real sled when you've got a super ingenious husband? Some rope, a piece of counter top, and a few minutes in the shop and, wala, a one of a kind sled!

... and sometimes it's not cool. I was working on a quilt #1 from my to do list (bottom left.) I was on a really good streak making really good progress...

1-9 WIP

I had all the blocks squared up and I was cutting up the sashings when I ran  out of the Kona Bone I was using. I couldn't run out and get some because every road in the city was officially closed. So I waited until today in the late morning when the roads were melted and I had Mr. PD drive me to Hobby Lobby.

Once there I had a moment of stupidity. Instead of buying Kona Bone, I came home with Kona Snow! I didn't even realize it until I had cut up the sashings and was about to start sewing them together. Ugh. Lucky for me Mr. PD was willing to drive me back to Hobby Lobby, I think it was the cabin fever talking. Hopefully tomorrow, since we once again will be "snowed in" I'll be able to finish the top.

Have you ever done anything silly like that?

~ Norma


Kati said...

It makes me laugh what a different perspective we have on snow. A foot generally slows things down a bit, but the hubs and I never missed a day of work due to snow. Of course, our city does own snow plows so we don't have that excuse. I'm glad you enjoyed your days off.

highdeekay said...

Wow! Seeing the street and, of course, the quilt top ... tears. Dang.

By 'bama standards we would have been snowed in since Thanksgiving. :)

Anne at Film and Thread said...

I ventured out because I ran out of a specific thread I needed. Of course, almost all the stores were closed, but one was doing inventory and let me in to buy a spool that was "close enough" to what I needed.

I love the plaids, stripes, etc. in that block. Are they from old shirts or all new fabrics?

Medifast Coupons said...

Here in my little village in northern Ontario, that is only a skift of snow and we would carry on like normal. I think I need to move and be able to have some snow days.

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