
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Now that the quilt top for my friend is done the next step is usually for me to figure out how in the world I'm going to quilt the finished top. I like to bring in a picture of the finished top into Photoshop so I can hash out the details.

1-18 Planning

Ok so for this particular quilt I didn't have a good picture of the finished quilt top. What can I say, it's cold, and I was already cozy in bed. Instead of going down to the freezing cold basement that is now my sewing room and taking a picture like I should have, I chose to dig through my computer for the best picture I could find.

It's a very rough outline especially since it was done with a computer mouse {I really should invest in a drawing tablet.} You get the idea right? I put to use the skills I learned from an online class I took a while ago taught by the very talented Carla Barret. I highly recommend her class.

Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions.

1 comment :

highdeekay said...

LOVE it!

I have a drawing tablet for you. I'll bring it next month.

See, you scratch my back, I scratch yours! :)

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