March Photo a Day 3/2 : Button

Monday, March 3, 2014
3-2 Button

…umm, how about “cute as a button”? Yeah, I know… I’m really stretching it with that one! I really could not think of any photograph I could take for today’s word. I know I could pull out my buttons and take stage a picture, but I really want my photo of the day to relate to something already going on in my life that day.

This photograph has me pining for spring! I couldn’t resist the cheerful flowers at the grocery store. I also pulled out my vintage table runner that I picked up at an estate sale last year. I wish winter would hurry up and be on it’s merry way. This flip-flopping between freezing temperatures and shorts weather is just plain cruel. I live in Tennessee by the way, and the forecast for the rest of the week is snow then upper 50’s!

This photo was staged for my kids’ Etsy shop. Have I not mentioned my little entrepreneurs have opened their own little shop?! Their shop, Nipper’s Corner, has been opened for about 5 months now. They’ve already had 5 sales and they are over the moon about it. It probably helps that I take all their pictures and write the descriptions for them, but they make all the handmade items themselves. They even have some vintage items listed that they have found at the thrift store. *sniff* I’m so proud of my little mini me’s.

It is plenty of work on my part to help out with their store but I love that they are learning to earn money of their own accord. Plus the more money they are able to earn the le$$ money we’ll have to shell out for college and missions later on! It’s a win win situation.

They are allowed to save and spend the money as they see fit IF it was earned 100% by them. If mom and dad have purchased supplies for them, then the money earned has to go into their college fund. We gifted them the chickens and the monthly feed, therefore the profits from any items made with chicken eggs have to go directly into their college fund. They also sell fresh eggs to our neighbors and that money also has to go into their college fund. We encourage them to pay tithing before we make a bank deposit and also allow them to choose to keep 5-10% for spending. They have surprised me as they often choose to put it all in the bank and not keep any spending money.

~ Norma

Natural egg garland from Nipper’s CornerNipper’s Corner
Vase is from Ikea
Blue Ball Jars are available for a limited time at different retailers!

1 comment :

Ann said...

That egg garland is the best. I've never seen anything like it. It's really, really cool!

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