March Photo a Day 3/4 : Where I Work

Tuesday, March 4, 2014
3-4 where I work

For today I took  picture of my kitchen sink. It seems like I spend a lot of time doing dishes, washing eggs, or cleaning up after projects in this very spot.

I’m lucky enough to be a stay at home mom. I seem to always struggle for the perfect answer when people ask me where I work though. I don’t drink alcohol. Sometimes when people offer me a drink I respond: “Sorry, I don’t drink.” I don’t know why I say this except maybe to be polite because I’m not sorry in the least bit. That’s kind of how I end up responding when someone asks me where I work. I usually mumble something about how I don’t work and “just” take care of my kids. I need to come up with a better answer because it is anything but “JUST” taking care of my kids.

I do like the term homemaker because it describes my main role at this point in time. I work hard to make our house a home for my family. This work requires many skills and the work is often overlooked by even those I serve on a daily basis.

Today my daughter made a comment about how I spent “all day” on the computer and didn’t do anything else. I very quickly reminded her how I took them to the community center and the library this morning, made them lunch, did the dishes and the laundry, tidied up, made them dinner and helped them with their shop orders. I am thankful that I can devote my time to my family and it is a huge blessing to not have to do it on top of a 40hr work week. You single mothers and working mothers have my full respect.

I also took a picture of my current project:

3-4 where I work
I'm still working on stripping the antique dresser. Since it is winter it is too cold to work out in the garage so I have to work on it in the kitchen. I have finished stripping the dresser frame and I have moved it into place in the living room. now I just have to finish these two drawers.

I can’

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