I did have to drive an hour each way to pick it up. It also has a dated faux finish on it which is being removed as I type. It has an all over marbled/sponged brown paint with gold accents on the raised carvings. The top features a metallic diamond pattern.
We picked it up earlier today and I couldn’t wait to get started on it. I convinced my husband to help me bring it into the kitchen so that I could work on it in the comfort and warmth of the house. He looked at me and said, “You know this is going to be here for like a month right?” I just sweetly smiled and said, “well you can help me move it out in a month!” He just shook his head and laughed. I don’t have the greatest track record when it comes to finishing projects.
I have no idea when the dresser was made but we did find a furniture tag on the back. A little google-ing and I found out a little bit about a the company. The Globe-Bosse-World Furniture Company based in Evansville Indiana built this beautiful dresser. Depending on when it was made this dresser can be anywhere from 54-100 years old. I can’t really red the cursive writing on the tag but I think that on the “For” line it says the name of another furniture company. I think the “State” line might read TN. I tried playing with the contrast and such in Photoshop but this is as good as I could get it. Eventually I would like to turn this into a sink base for the master bathroom. For now it will become my new TV stand, well once it’s refinished… in a month :)
~ Norma
Very nice piece!
Congrats! I can't wait to see the transformation. We've been trolling Craigslist for dressers lately, too.
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