What's for dinner? Kabobs

Thursday, October 28, 2010
It's been a while since I have done of these posts and I actually have several pictures that I never blogged about so if you've been in a dinner slump try some of these super yummy kabobs. I'll let you in on a little secret, I made these on my George Foreman Grill. I love my George, if I could marry it I would, but I'm already taken. Those grill marks would fool anyone!

You can find the recipe here. I added some pineapple to my bobs because nothing says kabobs like pineapple. I also added some onion because I love grilled onion.

... and just because I love fresh veggies, and because I'm sick right now and I don't feel like cooking, I'll just drool over a healthy meal I cooked a few months ago!

~ Norma


Trisha @ The Sweet Survival said...

Yum! Can you come over and make this for me for dinner?

Gloria Fox said...

Visiting from DIY Showoff. :-)

Arianne said...

Looks so good and I accidentally forgot that I was going to do something crockpot, so this sounds like a great plan B. THANK YOU for saving dinner.

Gene Black said...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear that you are sick. I hope you feel better soon. If Mr PD would could you some kabobs, I am sure you would feel better soon.

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