What's for dinner? Fruited Turkey Wraps

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Yet another recipe from my favorite cookbook! Curried Turkey Wraps. These were so amazingly yummy. They hit the spot right on for a light cold summer meal. I love them just as much for lunch as I do for dinner. You can find the recipe here. I may be biased but I like my picture much better!

I have made these several times and the first time I followed directions exactly but added some fresh picked blueberries. The second time I made these I substituted half the mayo for plain yogurt. Yummy both ways. My kids loved it too. I'm sure you could substitute lettuce for the Napa Cabbage, I wouldn't substitute regular cabbage though. The Napa cabbage has a more delicate cabbage flavor which makes it taste more like lettuce than cabbage.

Ok I'm drooling now. I'll have to make these again this week.


1 comment :

Gene Black said...

Your picture made me hungry. The recipe picture looked way too bland.
Now I have to go fix some supper. I wish I had the ingredients to make these!

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