Monday, August 9, 2010
Here is my July Block fro the Modern Tradition Quilt Bee (MTQB)

kylydia requested this super fun block so that she could make a concert quilt. How fun, and perfect, are the Happy Camper fabrics! This is a 16" "Stars Around the World Block." It's from an old quilt book she had.

I finished this one up right away but since I'm set in my evil ways, it sat in my house for a whole month before I remembered to send it out. Seriously I'm really really bad about mailing stuff. I still have my BIL's Christmas present sitting at home... yes it's August. Don't judge me.

Anyone else bad about mailing stuff?


1 comment :

Grey Cat said...

Totally not the only one bad about mailing stuff out! I just sent out packages to FIVE people, that I'd been sitting on for TWO months.

Yeah, I'm bad. Especially when you consider that we actually do shipping at work, and I don't even have to step foot in the post office. *hangs head in shame*

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