
Saturday, February 27, 2010
I have just discovered the most amazing thing ever! {well it's pretty darned cool in my book!}

Did you know that you could buy your very own personalized Whatnot? What's a Whatnot? A Whatnot is a muppet "extra" that can be seen in the background of any muppet movie or show, just like a real live extra! How cool is that?!!

I love the Muppets! I grew up watching The Muppet movies, Sesame Street, occasional episodes of Fraggle Rock and one of my favorite books was one from The Muppet Show. So when I saw this this morning {in my drugged up state of 2am, we're all sick over here, I can't even remember how I got to the FAO Schwarz site} I couldn't resist making up a Whatnot to represent my wonderful husband and myself.

At $129.99 each I don't know how I could justify the price but I really want these! {they are just so cool!} Think of the church talent shows you enter, all of the fun Family Home Evenings you could put on, and all the fun bedtimes your kids would have! I never know what to get Mr.PD for his birthday and for Father's Day (both about 2 weeks apart) but I think I may have to get this for him this year.

From what I can tell, the Whatnots are half bodied and include the hand rods. Oh and I now remember that I saw these on Heather Ross' site, she had one made for her hubby for Valentine's Day!

I really must say how much Mr.PD's muppet resembles him! He's even got the same "bug eyed" smile as my dear hubby. I love that they had the option of the "thinning" hair. I always tease Mr. PD about his thinning hair but I tell him it doesn't bother me because I can't really see the top of his head anyway! {He's 6' tall and I'm 5'} The leather jacket really adds to his resemblance because Mr. PD loves motorcycles {but he hasn't had one since our college days because he is now a "responsible dad."}

So head on over and have some fun at the muppet workshop!

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