Project 365 - Week 6

Thursday, February 18, 2010
1. Project 365 Week 6, 2. 2-5 Jelly Belly, 3. 2-6a Valentine's Project, 4. 2-6b Valentine's Project, 5. 2-7 Valentine's Cards, 6. 2-8 Fabric Score!, 7. 2-9 Legos, 8. 2-10 Banana Bread, 9. 2-11 Cleaning sucks

I can't pick a favorite this week. I like them all! I can narrow it down to the Lego one and the Valentine's cards {which where a huge hit with everyone.} You can click on any of the numbered links to see the full size image and a description on flickr.


corrie said...

Those valentine cards are super cute. I love that you actually follow through with great ideas. I think stuff up but never do it.

Jandi said...

I love the Valentine's project. Someone in my daughter's class did something similar this year and I was so jealous! My poor kids have a crafty mom but they still get stuck giving out grocery store valentines. ha!

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