
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I have been busy {and sometimes not so busy} the last few weeks. Mainly I spent a lot of time reflecting on life and family.

I lost a dear friend a few days ago, and my dear friend lost her husband. I'm talking about the same person. Phil Kesler passed away on Thursday night. He was a very wonderful person and a great example to my family. I am grateful to have known him and will have fond memories of our many conversations about fonts and colors. You see Phil was an assistant professor at JSU and taught graphic art there. We were just two geeks in a pod! A comment/compliment from Phil on any project/flyer etc. that I made, let me know that I had done a good job!

Well it just so happens that his lovely wife became an instant friend from our first Sunday in Oxford, AL. Our daughters love to play with each other, we served together in the Young Women's program at church, and often found ourselves just hanging out. So my heart has been aching for her and especially for her daughter's loss (she's only 3.)

I have also been reflecting on my life and my priorities. I am grateful that through my friend's loss my testimony in the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been reaffirmed. I am grateful that families can be together forever. I am especially grateful that I have my husband and children to hug and kiss at least for a little while longer. I am also grateful for my friend and her strength, her testimony, and her happiness at such a difficult time. I will miss you terribly my dear friend!

1 comment :

Carol Fleisher said...

You, your family, your friend and her family will be in my prayers. God bless you.

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