Swirl Frame

Friday, August 17, 2012
Free motion swirl
This isn’t the best picture, or the best quilting, but it gives you an idea of what I’m doing on the Neptune quilt. I mentioned before that I hadn’t done any quilting in over a month, and it shows! I can tell where I hesitated or didn’t quite get back on my quilting line. I’m using a beautiful aqua blue thread for the whole quilt (Essential Pro Ocean Mist by Connecting Threads $5.99 for 3,000+ yards.) Yes! Even on the white. I’m living a little on the wild side, or stupid side… depends on how you look at it. At first I was really doubtful of my choice but once I got going I just love it.The blue matches very well with the aquas in this fabric collection. You can’t tell very well from this picture, but there is a swirl on the center print.
*sigh* once I got to the second row of the quilt I realized that my tension on the first row was way off! It looked fine on the top but the quilt back does not. I’ll post a picture later and explain why I have to “frog it.” In other words I have to rip it, rip it ...out. Get it? it sounds like a frog :)
P.S. I would love to answer any questions for you. I’m not by any means an expert but I’ll give you my best answer and why I do what I do (usually it’s because I don’t know any better!) Someone asked me about my machine set up so I’ll be doing a post on that shortly.

1 comment :

Sara said...

I have become very enthralled with FMQ and I am very interested in seeing your machine set up:) I bought some heavy duty vinyl from Joann's yesterday that I will be placing on top of my machine and plastic table to help glide the quilt easier. This is to save money and not have to buy the Supreme Slider. I found this great tip on

I think your design practice is looking great!!

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