Don't Do It

Thursday, August 30, 2012
Just Don't. Please don't text and drive.

I'm so ANGRY (and grateful) that I'm crying. Some stupid (exchange with your word of choice) lady almost ran over my baby, my dog and myself while on our morning walk. She was texting and speeding in a residential area. I think she was going about 30-40mph.

Luckily I was walking facing traffic, as I normally do, so I saw her speeding towards me and not moving over. Those of you that have not lived in the South wouldn't know that sidewalks are rare. Asphalt usually meets the grass of peoples large yards. I only had a few seconds to spare after I hauled the stroller and the dog into the grass. She didn't even see us until right as she passed us. Had I been walking with traffic I'm certain she would have run us over and we would no longer be here.

Every time I think about it it makes me so angry and I start crying all over again. I wish I had had something to throw at her car. It would have been self defense right? I also wish I had gotten her license plate but she was going too fast.

Imagine living with the guilt of knowing that you killed a 1 year old a baby, his mother, and their dog. And that you ruined the lives of 2 other children and a loving husband. Whatever you could possibly be texting is not more important than the lives of other people. If it's that important pull over and stop.

I'm so grateful for one more day with my family.



Quiltingranny said...

I am soooo sorry this happened, but people don't care. I take down vehicle plates, descriptions of vehicle and driver and I pull over to make the calls. If hubby is driving I just call 911 and let them know what I see! Last week we were on the freeway and some young woman driving at 45 MPH in a 70 MPH because she was texting. Hubby honked I showed her my phone and mouthed 911 and pointed to her. As Ellen Degeneres says lock it in the glovebox!

Jane said...

The streets in our subdivision have a lane marked off for pedestrians. Unfortunately, it's just on one side of the road, so if you walk in it you'll have your back to traffic depending on your direction. Too many times I've had to step off the street even when I was facing the oncoming traffic. I NEVER walk with my back to traffic. People are too distracted driving any more. So glad you were able to get out of the way!

Anne at Film and Thread said...

So glad you are safe and sound. And don't worry about not getting the license because it seems like they don't even charge drivers with anything when they hit and kill cyclists and runners here in the south while they are texting.

My husband I are runners and the lack of sidewalks means that we HAVE to run on the road and then jump into the ditches with the litter/snakes/etc. We have had people swerve at us on purpose here. We even had a neighbor who said that she thought the roads should just be for driving and no walkers/runners/cyclists allowed because you "aren't paying road taxes when you are running." It is probably why the obesity rate is so high here.

I'm glad you are safe, though, and am really enjoying seeing you blogging about your new adventures in TN!

Dora, the Quilter said...

Oh, my, that is so very scary, and I am so sorry it happened to you.
My daughter texts me when she knows I am driving, and I won't even read them. Out here in our western town we don't have any sidewalks either. It can be very scary--although it's no less scary to see drivers texting in city rush hour--and despite the fact that there are extra laws against it in the city, I never see them getting pulled over.
Stay safe!


I am almost sideswiped twice a wk or have to sit in a light because of it. I am glad your ok and dont blame your anger.......

QuiltingCyclist said...

Thank God you survived this stupity. So very sorry for your scare. I am a road bike cyclist and know what you went through. Kiss your baby and family and have a great Labor Day Weekend. Be thankful.

Tiffany said...

Omheck that is so frightening! I am SO glad you were walking towards traffic and were able to save yourself, your baby, and the dog! I am so sorry you had to go through that life threatening ordeal tho! I hope that moron learned her lesson!

Maria Kievit said...

Just reading my blogs a little late, and came across yours with this story. Had to comment on it. Glad you're ok, and still with your family. My husband is a volunteer firefighter in a small agricultural hub in Ontario, and the last month or so, he's had at least 3 calls of car accidents, in which the car ran off the road, hit a ditch and rolled over. He still thinks that in most of the cases it included texting.......

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