
Monday, August 3, 2009
Lately I have been inspired by all the beautiful photography floating around on Flickr as well as on my favorite blogs. I would really like to re-learn the things I learned back in my high school photography class - has it been 11 years already? I think I could be pretty good better at it, besides it runs in my family! Check out just a few examples of my brother's amazing photo skills!

Yes, I'm proud of my brother! ...and maybe a little jealous too! But in a good way! So while I may not have a fancy schamncy DSLR, yet, I just got myself a pretty decent point and shoot camera, a Canon PowerShot A570 IS - an oldie but a goodie. My goal is to get comfortable using it in full manual mode - Scary!! I know. Once I get comfortable with it, and I save up some money I'll think about upgrading to a DSLR. For now it is sufficient for my needs.

You may think you need a fancy DSLR to get some great images, but think again!!! I've been scourging the internet for info, tutorials, classes on improving your photography and you most definitely DO NOT need a fancy camera. Check out IvoryHut if you don't believe me!

So why don't you join me and learn along with me? I have found a great lesson set over on mourgeFile. It is comprised of 10 lessons that cover a wealth of information and techniques. What I really like about the lessons is that you have an assignment for each lesson so you actually have to practice what you learn! Don't worry though they're pretty simple assignments.

I was thinking we could take it one lesson per week (some might go for 2 weeks) and we could post our images on our own blogs and critique each others work (you could also sign up for a morgue file account and post your pictures in the lesson forum on morgueFile for even more feedback.) Through out the week I'll post other articles and links on the lesson's subject matter that you might find useful.

So leave a comment and let me know if you are "in." I'll post everyone's links on my sidebar so you can visit each other's site and give some constructive criticism. Feel free to join in even if we have already started. We'll start on Thursday Aug 6th!!

Here's a button for your blog:

Just right click and select "save as" to save it to your computer, then upload it to your blog. You can link to this post by using this url:

You can find the lessons here:

See you soon!

1 comment :

Kris said...

I came across your blog from DQS7 (amazing peacock, by the way!!!!!) and I love the idea of learning photography together. I can't join with you since this month is absolutely crazy, but thanks for the great links!

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