"Who's behind?"

Thursday, August 20, 2009
I've watched Toy Story 2 one too many times and I just want to answer "Mine" (said by slinky dog - get it? "Who's behind? Mine" ... as in his behind is behind! ok maybe it's just funny to a 5 year old! ...and obviously me)

Yes I AM behind! So behind on the nine-patch quilt a-long, behind on my DQS7, behind on my cleaning, and behind on my posts. Did you notice I missed Etsy Love Wednesday? I'll make it up to you, promise! So what has got me behind, besides life in general? My in-laws are coming to visit tonight and are here until early next week.

I love my in-laws so them coming isn't a big deal. The big deal is all the cleaning I have to do. My house is normally clean, messy but clean. Not filthy and dirty - big difference! But every time my MIL comes to visit I basically have to do my "spring cleaning." In fact I save my deep cleanings for when I know she is coming - which is usually about twice a year. It just so happens my MIL is very allergic to most everything including my 2 dogs. Thus the deep cleaning. I'm talking MAJOR cleaning people! Moving furniture, vacuuming baseboards - the works! Oh and I also have to pass out my doggies to friends and bribe them with free babysitting and yummy deserts.

So I have until about 4pm to finish up my cleaning, I have the kids room, bathroom, kitchen, and the sewing room/guest room left to clean, then I have to pack and drop off my doggies because we are heading to Atlanta (and IKEA!!!!) to play until Saturday night. So here I am procrastinating because we all know what a crafting/sewing room looks like in reality!

see ya next week, but hopefully sooner!


Dena said...

Enjoy your in-laws visit. Cleaning for someone with allergies is not easy. Good luck!

Leila said...

Good luck! I would like to join your photo lessons. I will catch up soon!

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