
Thursday, September 20, 2012

… “dot” that is.
Welcome to my stop on the dots on dots blog hop. I’m glad you could stop by and visit. Apparently I LOVE dots in every color of the rainbow. Red dots, blue dots, pink dots, green dots, orange dots and yellow dots. BIG dots, little dots and in-between dots. Dots on bugs, dots on birds, dots on dots, dots with flowers and some without. No purple dots can be found (maybe I should write my own Dr. Seuss type book!)

red_dots blue_dots
orange_dots yellow_dots

I even have dots in cups:


…and cute polka dotted red bakers that I bought for no reason whatsoever other than the fact that they make me happy!


These are made by BIA Cordon Bleu and can be found in blue, green, red and yellow. You have
to do a Google search for them because they are hard to find. Sometimes Amazon has them.

For this blog hop I decided to finally make up a block that has been bouncing around in my head for quite some time. I drafted up my own version of a Drunkard’s Path block and made four 6.5” units that came together to form this fun 12.5” four patch dot:


I know it’s not horribly exciting but if you make this guy a few friends you can do something cool like this:Mod drunkard's path 3

These blocks are nice and big which lets you end up with a nice big 48”x48” baby or wall quilt. The blocks are nice and big for showcasing your favorite fabrics. You can also make a super graphic quilt using solids. It would also look fabulous with just 2 colors or prints.  

Mod drunkard's path 2Mod drunkard's path

I need to finish putting my rows together but you get the idea. I hope to have the pattern ready in the next week or two. Come back on Friday and I’ll show you how to piece those curves together. It’s really not that hard!

So how about a giveaway? I’ll give one lucky winner a copy of the pattern once I have it ready to go. I haven’t been able to come up with a name for this pattern so leave me a comment suggesting a name (if you have an idea.)Or maybe you can tell me something about quilting curves (have you tried it? does it scare you? did you like it? hate it?) Do so by Sunday the 23rd and I’ll announce a winner on Monday.  Don’t forget to visit everyone else on the dottie blog hop for today:

September 20th

Cherry's Prairie Primitives

Quilts From My Crayon Box 

Sparrow in Flight

The Slow Quilter

Geta Grama

Quilted Delights

Di of Snippets 'n' Scraps

Nunu's Quilt World


Carol Swift said...

Love your Seussy start to your post, the red polka dot cup and those really cute blocks--love them!

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Gostei muito,mas nunca tentei curvas,estou tentada a um tempo,quem sabe não comece...o problema para mim é que só tenho trabalhado com sucatas,daí fica difícil ter tecidos do mesmo tamanho,mas já pensei em

Judy B said...

Love what you did with your dotty blocks. Haven't tried curve except paper piecing. Name, well maybe All Roads lead To Dots! Thank you for sharing and the giveaway.

Sunshine Girl said...

Oooh its lovely - I would call it "Going Round In Circles" thanks for sharing.

Nati said...

The blocks look like "happy flowers" to me! Thanks for the chance to win the pattern, I love it! hope to see you around my blog tomorrow for the last hop!

Betteem said...

I like your version of drunkards path. I'd call it Forever Bright Paths. I do like to sew curves and sew would love to use your pattern. Thanks!

mary mahoo said...

I love your block! As for a name? hhmm Modern Flower Dot? Thanks for sharing.

Gill said...

I'm a curve novice but I'm determined to master them! Actually it's the cutting I'm dreading more than the piecing!
I love your dotty dish!

Theresa said...

Love the pictures of your dotty stash and your dotty block is lovely - looks like a Star Flower to me. I've pieced a few curves but tend to avoid them if I'm honest.

Heleen Groot said...

Yes, you should right a dr. seus book! I love your creation, it looks really vibrant. I have an entire quilt with round shapes...... Since I piece by hand (slight machine fobia) it is just a question of snipping the seams and loads (LOADS) of pins. I do favour nice and straight lines for some reason though....

Britt-Inger said...

I love your bright blocks, the make me smile. Why not call them Happy flower,as the look to me as big flowers. I have no special tips to sew curving seams I just go on it.
Thanks for sharing your blocks.
Britt-Inger in Sweden

Sparky said...

love all of your dotted fabrics...I have those yellow chickens in fact...loved to have it in red...never found any....your project is lovely...if you like to see it on our board let me know...I could not pin it...we would have hit our 250 mark today....

Sue said...

Great block and wonderful quilt. It is so bright and cheery...hey, how about that for a name? Bright and Cheery?

Thearica said...

Awesome block!! I have put it in my inspiration files!

Di said...

My, I do envy your great collection of dotty fabrics. Your quilt with its curved piecing is gorgeous - such a simple idea, but assembled so imaginatively. Great work!

charlotte said...

Love all your dotty things, but those quilt blocks are soooooo cute. Now I need to make some.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

cute pattern. I dub it Quarter Dots.

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

I love all those dots...the fabrics are so pretty and the cup is cute too. I like your block and quilt as well. I have one of those feet that sews curved seams, but I only used it once. I really should use it more often, but then I need to sew more curved seams, ha, ha.

tink's mom said...

Lovely pattern, great job. I have made 2 dbl wedding ring quilts,one lap size, no problem at all and a king size. No problem with the small curves but the long seams were a bear.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

This is a very cute pattern - great to use with dots. Oh, curves don't scare me - they really are easy. Now Hexies, they scare me!

Quilt Doodle Designs said...

Your block is fantastic, I love the fabrics you used for your baby/wall quilt, very nice! I have sewn curves, they weren't as 'scary' as I thought they would be to do.

Amy said...

I love dots! your quilt is great!I have been wanting to try curves..

Julie said...

What a clever use of the circles! I find curved seams intimidating but, but they usually work out if I pin them enough.

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

I've never tried piecing curves. This pattern looks great! I'd call it pocket full of posies.

Joanne Lendaro said...

Love all of the wonderful colors!!

Mommarock said...

Radiant Curves. I don't know about sewing those curves. I bought a special foot to help me do it, but I havn't tried it yet. I have a pattern that I am going to try it on.. just havn't gotten that far yet..I'm shakin in my boots!!

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Cool dotty everything!!! Maybe Saucy Sunflower as it sort of looks lie a sunflower :)

krislovesfabric said...

Tipsy posies? Thanks for sharing!

Catherine said...

Your block is fabulous! Just great!

StitchinByTheLake said...

What a great pattern! Curves scare me so I'll look forward to seeing your tutorial. For a name, how about Circles on the Flip Side - when you reverse them they're flipped. :) blessings, marlene

carla said...

Hi!!! Your big dot looks like fun!!! I am a new quilter and not quite ready for circles!!! But on a name maybe One Dot at a Time!!!

Diann said...

I'm surprised each time I try it that piecing curves is really not that difficult. The trick is taking your time. Your project looks great so far and I think it will be wonderful as a baby quilt.

Carrie P. said...

I love your quilt and all your dotty fabrics. Curves scare me and so I have not tried them. I would call your quilt Polka dot Posies.

Linda said...

That's beautiful! I would call it something like "Dotty Daisies". I love it!
I haven't pieced a lot of curves, although I bought a little foot for my machine just for that purpose. (I saw it at the Houston Quilt Festival one year.)

SewWhatsNew said...

Love your project. What a great quilt. I love to sew curves. It is not difficult with my Pffaf. It is just a matter of control the start and the end. I would love to buy some of that chicken fabric do you know the maker by any chance? I am bad with names but "Flower Power" keeps popping in my brain. LOL.

Sheila said...

So sweet , love how this pattern emerges when other blocks are added , I think I would call it Connecting flowers , not all that exciting I know :-) Thanks for sharing your very pretty blocks!

gpc said...

I am a new quilter and haven't tried curves yet -- but I just cut pieces for a fish quilt, and it will have curves that need to be conquered!

Pamela said...

Loved the final look...awesome! Thanks for sharing.

pinsandneedles said...

Just love the uses of the drunkard's path block...I've seen a couple ideas on this hop. Great ideas for the templates I recently bought for another class but haven't used yet...I'm a little behind. I really love how cheerful your quilt is. Thanks for sharing.

Patty said...

I love the Windblown Flowers look of your blocks. All the polka dots you have shown us, I like the big cup and saucer.

Laurel09 said...

I *love* your quilt pattern! It's really fun and beautiful. Thanks for a chance to win a copy of it!

Lori said...

I love your dotty quilt. It makes me think of flowers in the sunshine. Thanks for sharing.

Judith said...

I will stop back by on Friday. I would like to learn how to sew curves. I still have a project in my UFO bin and it is not so well ???. Love your dotty cup and the dotty fabric are sweet. Cheerful block I Say...Thanks for sharing today..Judith, Texas

Diana said...

Love your quilt pattern - really love the flower that happens. Curved piecing - gitting better with practice.
Red and white polka dots, makes every one feel happy! :o)

Barb said...

It seems you and I had the same idea about Dr.Seus...I took a differnt approach....I will go and put a little tag on my post now back to you so people don't think I copied.

Love your dots!

Corrie said...

Great post! That's a wonderful design. Really turned out nice. I don't piece curves without a little glue first, they come out perfect if I do. I have to go look at the kawaii cupcake post!

Joyce Carter said...

I love your blocks and the fabrics you used are really gorgeous! It makes a stunning quilt. I have seen this pattern made several ways on this blog hop and I love all the ideas. Can't wait to try some of them. I haven't tried to sew curves yet but I am eager to learn. I will be back to watch you.Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Love all your dots. Curves can be scary but really they are not so difficult to sew. Just pin each end of the piece and ease the sewing taking care, not to stretch the edges. I let a project sit for two years but once I jumped in..I couldn't believe how easy it was.

Chris said...

Now this is a fun, novel pattern! How about Merry-Go-Round? Don't you just love dots all around the house?

Gmama Jane said...

I do love your Dotty Cup!! Blocks and quilt are Oh so colorful and nicely made!! I have some of that fabric!
Gmama Jane

Rebeckah Austin said...

Dot Flower!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I am in fabric Heaven looking at all of yours! I love your block, curves, not something I have done yet, but boy do I love yours. I so need to get some dotty cookware! Thank you for sharing

Charlene S said...

Dunkards Flowers. I love the idea thanks for sharing.

Needled Mom said...

Great design. I was terrified to try the curves until I actually did it. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. How about "Spinning Petals"?

BizyStitches said...

I haven't tried curved peasing, but I've been wanting to do the apple core block. I like the way your big blocks came together. Thanks for sharing your talent. ps. I'm not good a naming things that is why I'm not suggesting. LOL

sew.darn.quilt said...

I really like what you've done and I must admit, the temptation to try curves is getting the better of me. Maybe I'll be lucky and win your pattern! Fingers crossed!
How about Curvy Swerves?

Jane's Quilting said...

I enjoyed reading your blog, you do beautiful work. Your quilt is fantastic. I think I would name it: "Dotted Flowers of Love"

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Your blog post made me smile BIG. I love your fabric choices and your blocks. You have such cheerful happy photos here of all of your stufffff! YAY I love all of your fabric rolls, you have a great stash of happy colors, and your dishes... I want those! :-D
Thank you so much for sharing your creative world today. You are very inspiring!

barbara woods said...

use to sew in sleeves in a curve


iTS BEAUTIFUL, how about My Big curves.. shirley from simple sew at funnymesjc at gmail dot com

Diana said...

Suess is one of my grandsons's favorites, he would enjoy the dotty story. Love your block , could be called
dotty daisys. Looks like a fun stash buster and a great baby quilt. Thanks for the giveaway.

Brenda said...

This is nice! Like a big slice of pie! I think that would make a nice name! ..slice of pie! This would really showcase some of the larger prints and would make a really nice quilt!

Sallie said...

Pretty Petals. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Hi Norma, I "checked out" your blog and you have lots of great things posted. Your pictures of the fair and your visit to Atlanta are fantastic. Your drunkard's path blocks are sensational as we have seen them suddenly appear these last few days in dots. I love your picture of the ferris wheel and with your esteemed background, maybe you could come up with a new block in it's honor. I checked out it's history on Wikipedia. I can think of so many things to do, but alas do not have the "skill set" or time to put them into practical use. From California, thanks for sharing.

sandra said...

Very creative and I can see by all the dots around you that you are a dotty person. Dots seem to be something we can really have fun with.

Mrs.Pickles said...

lovely dots thanks for sharing!

Pauline said...

Great blog, super dots, bright show!
I love your pattern!

Denise :) said...

Darling! I love this piece -- you did a fabulous job with it!! :)

blueberrymoon said...

Love all your work. But,then again I always do:)
As for a name. I think the flower looks Scandinavian...

blomstre is norwegian for flower..

edyB said...

Yummy collection of dots up there!
Love the way you put the blocks together for the little quilty!
It's a beauty!

Leah said...

What a lovely assortment of dots! Love the circles.

Jeanne Gwin said...

Wind Spinner's Reminds me of the whirlygigs we had as kids and held out the car window so they would turn really fast or we would run run run to make them turn as fast as we could.

Susan said...

I love your flower block! It is really cute. I have pieced curves before and didnt have any trouble but you have to pin the curve and start in the middle of the curve when pinning. Thanks for sharing.

Ellie Q said...

Love your project!

Rhonda D. said...

I love your Dizzy Dotty Drunkard
blocks. Thanks for the chance
to win!


Quilter Kathy said...

Beautiful project! You have an amazing dot collection...I am green with envy! I am scared of curves but am getting better over the years.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful display of fabrics... in every color!
Love the cup and the baker?... yeah, I'd get it, too!
Good for you!

I haven't made a DP yet but I do so love this arrangement! Will check back for your tutorial on putting them together.

Thanks for joining in the hop and sharing your project. I am a new follower to your blog, too! :-)

Farm Quilter said...

Your quilt reminds me of Bloomin' Spring. I love the way you used this pattern!

evelyn said...

I love the way this pattern showcases the different fabrics. Yep, I find curves to be vary scary. Like driving too fast around an" S Bend".

OhioLori said...

Loved your Dr. Suess story start! You really should keep goin & finish! Waaaaay cool! :) LOVE your quilt block...and lay-out!!! So fun!!

No advise on curves...have never tried...but then, I haven't been quilty very long either! lol

Thanks for chance to win your drawing!! :)

LJ said...

I love how your block turned into a flower - very neat! Polka Dot's Path is my suggestion.

Joanne said...

I love all your dottie fabrics. They're fun! The flower block is great and I look forward to the pattern being available. Thanks for sharing your work today!

Lyn said...

I like the circle flower! very nice dots. I loved the fabric in the dotted cup. Thanks.

Anda W said...

Curves can seem intimidating, however, I was very pleased with the way my drunkard's path blocks turned out for the first time! awolk at rogers dot com

hueisei said...

Cute blocks. How about a Quarty dots?

Phyllis said...

Love all your dotty fabrics and blocks. The quilt is great too! I haven't tried piecing curves yet. I'm just learning to quilt.

Vesuviusmama said...

I've tried curves, but I'm not going to go so far as to say I have mastered them. I need more practice, and I love the look of them so I know I will. Thanks for the giveaway!

MoeWest said...

How about Flower Path as a name. I really like the quilt. You have a great selection of dotty fabrics.

SeeLifeMarvels said...

Those chickens with dots are just too cute! I think I'll have to look for that fabric for my sister who, now that her boys are grown, refers to her laying hens as her "girls".

Cherry's Prairie Primitives said...

I love that block!! I'll be back to check out about curves!!

Karen said...

I would call it "Drunkard's Delight" because those flowers are delightful. Very fun! I've never tried piecing curves because it scares me a little. It's on my list to get to some day... Thanks for sharing!

dream quilt create said...

I love your block, I would love to make a quilt out of your pattern! Do you think it could be made out of charm squares?

Kim said...

Your polka dot fabric collection is beautiful. Your quilt is so pretty. I love the way the quilt is laid out. Very nice!

Lesley said...

Wonderful dotty creations! The Drunkards Path is so cute!

Wendy said...

I'm not so good with names, but I'd suggest dotty bouquet? I've never sewn a curve, but I'd love to try!

♥Duff said...

Goodness--that's one adorable stash-busting pattern! I'll have to check back later to see your curve-making post--fear is the only thing holding me back for curved piecing.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

You really have the neatest and prettiest dottie stash!! Your Drunkard's Path blocks are great!

Ariane said...

I love you quilt blocks!! They will make a gorgeous quilt!!!

Michele T said...

Love, love, love this pattern and the colours are gorgeous!!

Gosia @ Quilts My Way said...

Love your dotty blocks!!! Thanks for sharing and being a part of the hop!

Suze said...

You obviously like polka dots, too. I love polka dots - always have. And I love your pattern - hint, hint! I think quilters love patterns and make quilts in their heads many times over from just looking at patterns. Thank you for participating and making this a success. I'm on creativity overload and in awe of each person who participated. Thank you!

Maria Kievit said...

Absolutely love your quilt! and the block, of course. Love sewing with curves: ie Mariner's compass edge, etc. I do a lot of dresses with the curve/bustline/princess style also. It really is going slow enough to curve the material as you sew! Thanks for sharing.

Quilt n Queen said...

I love all your dots...I even have some of them in my stash, gotta love those chickens and lady bugs. I'm not a big fan of curves, but I am making a Drunkards Path quilt with 30's fabrics and is what you would call a UFO. I love your quilt, kinda looks like a (sun)flower. Thanks for sharing, enjoy your weekend, Pauline

cllcraft said...

The pattern it looks like a sunflower to me. 'Sunflower Path' would be my suggestion. It's a great block!

Scrapbook-ChickADoodle said...

Love your blocks. Remind me of sunflowers withbthe large centers and curved petals. I enjoyed your tut. I''ve wanted to try drunkards path, but was a bit scared. You make it look easy. Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win.

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