
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Over the last few days I've been swamped with Christmas orders for my Profile Silhouettes. I gotta say I just love my job! Each silhouette I make is so unique and different, it never gets old. The best part is "filling" in the outline and seeing the silhouette come to life!

Here is an order I finished up today:

Don't you just love the little girl second form the right? I love her to pieces she just seems so happy! Sometimes I want to take my favorite silhouettes and display them around the house. {wondering if that is bordering on creepy, displaying other people's kids on my walls}

Have you heard about Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day? It's Monday, I may or may not be giving away a custom portrait silhouette on Monday. But I'm  not telling.

~ Norma

ps Heidi, I think that the first little girl is a grown up version of "E"


Gene Black said...

That is excellent! But yes, posting other people's kids might be a tad creepy.

I hope the little Miss is feeling better.

corrie said...

Really cute. I love it.

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