I ate a frog this morning

Friday, January 29, 2010

Well, metaphorically speaking. I feel like I've been in a slump ever since moving. I have made progress on the whole unpacking and putting things away but I am nowhere near being done. There is a whole storage room (about 12'x20') that has become the catch all room. This wouldn't be a problem really except that we use the door in this room to get into the house and you have to walk climb all over everything to make it into the actual house. I have felt unmotivated to really tackle much of anything because my efforts seem futile {how can 2 little kids make such a mess in ALL parts of the house so quickly?} Yesterday evening I spotted this quote over on my SIL blog:

“Eat a live frog every morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” -Mark Twain

So while I'm not willing to eat a real live frog I am willing to eat a metaphorical one. So I've picked my "worst" chore of the day and decided to tackle it first before moving on to anything else this morning. I exercised. Now don't get me wrong I don't actually hate exercising I actually rather enjoy it, but if I don't squeeze it in first I know other things will get in the way. Before I know it it's 3pm and I still haven't showered because "I'm going to exercise!" Hopefully this will keep me motivated to get it done at least 3 times a week. Besides I've officially lost 3 lbs already {I was rounding up before! (from 2.8 lbs lost)} and I gotta stay motivated!!

Hopefully eating this "live frog" will help motivate me to get the rest of my house in order so I can move on to more important things like quilting, crafting and couponing! {Seriously I have like a mini store going on in my closet from all of the amazing (and freeeee!) deals I have scored just by clipping coupons! It makes me so giddy to get stuff for free LOL}


RosaMaría said...

qué buena frase, no la conocía, pero suena aplicable para cada día. Ánimo con tus deberes y felicidades por esas libras de menos!

lisapenn said...

I LOVE this idea Norma. I have a hard time getting motivated in the morning and I am glad to know that I am not the only one who has not gotten a shower before it is time to go to bed because I was going to exercise, garden, run, etc....

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