General Mills Deal

Friday, January 22, 2010
Recently the nice folks over at MyBlogSpark sent me some coupon vouchers* for some free General Mills cereal. They really caught my eye with a this statement: General Mills announced a commitment to further reduce sugar in cereals advertised to kids under 12 to single digit grams of sugar per serving. The company has already been reducing sugar in cereals while increasing key nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D, and providing whole grain.

Have you noticed it? I hadn't and I hope they continue to lower the sugar content on all their cereals. My favorite cereal is MultiGrain Cheerios. It is sweetened to perfection {in my opinion} with only 6g of sugar per serving and my kids love it. That's about half the amount in most kids cereal, plus it wont turn your milk funky colors! It is pricey though so I only buy it when it is on sale or I have a coupon.

Guess what?? The folks over at General Mills and MyBlogSpark said I could share a $1 off coupon for GM cereal (Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms or Trix) with my readers. That's an awesome deal!

I recently {just 2 days ago} jumped on the coupon-ing band wagon and let me tell ya there are some deals to be had out there! {Yesterday I got 3 full size tubes of toothpaste for $0.60!} You can get items for dirt cheap and sometimes for free! If you are new to the world of coupons head on over to Hip2Save for lots of instructional info, and lots of coupons!

Cheerio! {Sorry I couldn't resist}

PS if the coupon isn't printing try using Internet Explorer

VIP coupons, online coupon link, and information were provided to me by General Mills and MyBlogSpark

1-23-10: Apparently I was mistaken. The sugar content has not yet been reduced in the kids cereals. The announcement was made and will be implemented in the near future. So you should start to see the "lower sugar" options in the supermarket soon. Until then you can do like I do and mix the sugary stuff half and half with regular Cheerios. {Am I the only one that does this?}

1 comment :

corrie said...

I've always wanted to be a cuponer. I have friends that really go crazy and almost get paid for their groceries! I guess its one of those things that if you want to do it - just do it.

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