What's for Dinner? Butternut Squash Bisque

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Photo courtesy BHG

I saw this recipe in the October BHG issue and I just had to try it. I have never cooked anything with Butternut Squash and have always wanted to try it. This recipe sounded so delicious that I gave it a try. You can find the recipe at the BHG website.

This recipe made a giant pot full of soup. For a family of four I would make half and you would still have small amount of leftovers. I served this with fresh made garlic bread and a salad. I only added one Chipotle pepper so my kids would eat it. Mr. PD and I added more of the Chipotle sauce to our individual bowls. I loved this soup and will definitely be making it again. As for my kids, let's just say they were more interested in the garlic bread.
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