EQ6 Contest

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Lass than a month ago I received my EQ6 program and I promised to write reviews about it.Well I'm happy to report that I have been using it extensively and have even started working on my very first quilt pattern {...coming soon! I'm so excited - in fact the design is done and now I'm working on the instructions and on the sample.} I'll save the review/report for another post though. I just had to share a super easy contest going on at EQ6. If you have EQ6 then you will definitely want to check this out.

EQ6 is sponsoring a "Rose of Sharon" Block design challenge. Basically EQ6 is providing you with a project "template" with all of the pieces included that you are allowed to use. You cannot re-size or re-shape any of the given pieces. You may not add any other shapes to the blocks with the exception of vines (those must be 1/4" wide.) That means that you can go hog wild with vines {if that floats your boat!} So the gist of it is that you are rearranging shapes into a pleasing block! It doesn't get any easier than that {ok, maybe it's just me but that seems pretty easy to me.}

Entries are due by November 15th,2009. That's a little over a month from now. And guess what? You can enter as many blocks as you like! I think I'm going to make it a goal to design at least 1 block per day. That gives you many, many chances to win some amazing prizes including Bernina embroidery software {although I suppose you need a Bernina for it to be useful. I really wish they were giving a Bernina away!} I'd really like to win that "Accuquilt Go!" But I think the coolest thing is that up to 100 blocks will make it into a book and the top 12 blocks will be made into a quilt that will grace the cover! {How cool is that?!}

Here is my very first "Rose of Sharon" Block:

Rose of Sharon Block 1

PS. Leave me a comment if you will participating in the contest. I would love to see what everyone comes up with.


Joy said...

Nice work!

SewCalGal said...

Fun contest for a $100 AccuQuilt gift certificate if you share your Worst Christ gift story

Marlene said...

I participated and have heard I made it into the top 100. Waiting for a press release to say anything too big about it!

Top 12:

Did any of yours get in??


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