I'm slowly forcing Athena out of her comfort zone. She won't venture out of the workshop unless I physically carry her out.
She likes to poke her head out of the doggy door when I call her though. This poor city slicker kitty doesn't know what to make of the rather large and loud birds strutting around the yard. The chickens are not the least bit afraid of her and are rather unsettling to her when they all stampede as soon as they see the scrap bucket!
Athena is a sweet heart and I like to think she has picked me as her favorite (so far.) She even allows my 3 year old to pick her up. He calls her "Kitty Cat Hello" which is his version of "Hello Kitty."
~ Norma
She looks just like my kitty - Scamper. He's a bit of a fraidy-cat, too - only likes to be outside when my husband and I go out! Grey kitties have fun personalities and are very smart, too. Ours plays fetch with us and will chase a frisbee when we get him outside!
Hopefully she isn't afraid of the mice. She looks like a sweetie.
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