Slice of Paradise

Saturday, March 27, 2010

I made this yummy cake for my NEW 6 year old. {I can't believe I have a 6 year old, that makes me sound old... but at least I'm still be mistaken for one of my YW (12-18 year old girls)}

This cake is awesome! So light and fruity with it's strawberry-kiwi lime goodness, I could almost eat the whole thing myself.

You can find the recipe here from Pillsbury. I changed it up a bit just to keep it looking more like a cake. I have also made it just like in the recipe and also in a trifle bowl. It's super easy and always a crowd pleaser. I may just have to make it again for Easter dinner next week.

1 comment :

Thimbleanna said...

Oooh, that cake looks delicious! And you crack me up. Just wait until your 6 yr. old is 25 -- then we'll talk old! Happy Birthday to your little guy!!!

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