Two peas in a pod

Friday, May 29, 2009
I haven't done much crafting this week. I'm gearing up for our big move (we'll be moving to AL from TN by the end of June - a 3.5 hour move.) So my time has been taken up by yard sales, cleaning, de-cluttering, finishing up my counter-tops. I haven't even started packing yet! Oh and my triathlon is one week from tomorrow!

Last week I was able to go to the actual site of the race with most of Team ASK (Athletes for Special Kids.) We hopped in the lake and did about 3/4 of the swim distance, then hopped on our bikes and biked the full 16 mile bike course and topped it off with a 2 mile run. All I can say is, "I'm so ready!" I had so much energy the rest of the day and wasn't even sore. Last year (my first triathlon) I was so tired after wards that I came home and crashed!

That's me, front and center, bottom row. We're missing about 1/3 of the team

Really it wasn't that cold, only 3 of us weren't wearing wetsuits and the water was fine. but Don't we look cool and all official in wetsuits?!

Since I don't have any projects to post I thought I would share one of Mr. PD's projects. We really are 2 peas in a pod. We are both creative and love to make things. He is good at making things out of wood, building homes, fixing things, and I'm good at making things pretty, sewing, painting etc. That's not to say that we don't overlap in our creativeness! I do some wood working and have been known to take matters into my own hands when he doesn't get to fixing things right away. Mr. PD knows how to knit (I don't!) and has been known to sew once in a while. Between the 2 of us there really is nothing we can't make!

So without further ado I give you Mr. Petit Debutant's Chicken Tractor:

Designed and built 100% by him. Ok he got a little help on the painting from the kids, mostly in the form of painting their own clothes red!

This is a pretty neat contraption. The chickens have access to a roost and fresh grass all within the safety of an enclosure. The heavy duty tires make it so easy to wheel it around the yard to a new spot of fresh leafy greens. I'm 5'0 and about 120lbs, I have no problems wheeling this around the yard! the whole thing measures about 4 feet wide by 8 feet long and is about 5 feet tall at the tallest point. A lovely home for our 8 chicks and duck.

1 comment :

Arianne said...

Love the pictures. Good luck with the triathlon next week. My husband is going to love the pictures of your chicken house.

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