Here's a little peek into my life via pictures:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
My gaggle of poultry, 8 chicks and 1 duck (all female.) I can't wait until they start laying eggs. We raised them from only 3 days old and are now about 3 months old. In another 2 months they should start laying eggs. We've got bard Rock, Rhode Island Reds, Production Reds, Americaunus, and Buff Orpington , the duck is a Pekin Duck

My Sunshine on a Cloudy Day! "Big Brother" and "Little Sister."

Check out these cool Easter eggs we dyed. You just write on the eggs with a white crayon before dyeing.

Here's Tobby cheesing for the camera! Tobby is almost 8. We've had him since we got married. It will be a sad day when he leaves us, but I hope that will be years and years away.
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