Turning over a new leaf

Friday, March 27, 2009
... or at least try to.

After thoroughly enjoying blogs of such high caliber as Lolly Chops, Don't Look Now, and oh fransson, to name a few I have decided that I really need to work harder on my blog. I would love to have a new post every week and share some things with you. So I have decided to have a designated day and time for me to work on my blog. I think for now I will pick Friday mornings for a post. I think I'll even set up an alarm reminder on my phone *goes off to find phone* OK an alarm is now set for every Friday morning!

So rather than having a bunch of random things to post (oh don't worry I'm sure there will be plenty of that as well) I've decided that I'm going to focus on giving my house a little more oompf and making it feel more like a home. I've got a list about a mile long of simple things I want to do to just make this 15 year old house a little more cohesive. So join me on this little adventure and maybe you will learn something along the way (or not).


1 comment :

Arianne said...

Sounds fun. I can't wait to come along.

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