Garden Update

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Have I mentioned how much I love being married to a construction manager? I can be pretty crafty with a sewing machine and a glue gun. My husband can be pretty amazing with a nail gun and power tools. Together I think we make the perfect DIY match made in heaven!

Last Saturday we decided to start on a fence to separate the garden from the rest of the yard. We really need to keep the chickens out of the garden before the girls eat all of our hard work!


Backyard Chickens

Wednesday, August 14, 2013
The last time we lived in this home we had chickens. Unfortunately we never got a single egg! Right as our chickens were about to start laying we were forced to look for employment elsewhere. We had to sell our girls chicken tractor and all. As soon as we decided to move back to our home, the Mister got the kids all riled up about ordering chicks again.
I was the meany one voice of reason and wanted to hold off on ordering chicks until after we moved. I was completely outnumbered and we placed a chick order in March. March!! We weren’t even sure when we would be moving just that it would be sometime during the summer. Thankfully the chicks we really wanted were sold out until the very end of April, this bought me a little bit of time.
Little Red

The Garden of Eatin’

Friday, August 9, 2013

Last weekend we got a great start on the garden. It took all day but it was fun to work side by side with my husband and kids. A little rain gave us plenty of breaks as it would come and go.

As I mentioned before, we are using the Square Foot Gardening method. First my husband and son rolled out some super heavy duty commercial weed barrier which we bought here. Then they built some grow boxes.

My little garden

The $10 CL Find

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Once I found out that we would be moving back into our home I got a little crazy and started to get rid of furniture that I had had enough of. I just didn’t want to have to move something that I really hated. It was functional but did not bring any beauty to our home.

Of course that meant that I had to replace some of those things, like a futon that had been our couch for the last 6 years, with nicer versions. Having already lived in this home before I already had a list of things that I knew I had to change. At the top of my list were the super ugly light fixtures that are in the kitchen and dining room.

Old light fixture

Beadboard Backsplash

Thursday, August 1, 2013

I finished up my first DIY project the second week after moving in. The nice thing about moving into a house you’ve already lived in is that you already kind of know where everything goes. The bad thing about moving into a house you already lived in is that you already know everything that you want to change!

This brings me to the kitchen. We have done so many things to the kitchen with the biggest improvement being the painted cabinets. This is what the kitchen looked like when we moved back in:
kitchen (before)

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